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Control Room Solution – ICCS/CAD Supplier and Sector day

15th December 2022

We are aware that many FRSs are looking at undertaking a tender in the coming months/years with regard to their Control CAD and ICCS. This day shall therefore allow a collective discussion between FRSs, sharing lessons learned, followed by the opportunity to engage with CAD/ICCS suppliers in a two-way discussion about their offerings, roadmaps and myth-busting some of the issues experienced in the procurement of such solutions.

This is a placeholder for a Supplier/Sector day for the Control Room CAD/ICCS Software. This shall be an ONLINE EVENT due to the relatively short notice.

Draft Agenda: – TBC

Morning – FRS Colleagues only

Afternoon – CAD/ICCS Suppliers panel, Q&A, two way feedback on procuring Control solutions.

Further details shall be shared in the coming weeks, but please keep this free in your diary! Please feel free to forward to anyone that may be interested in this day. In addition, if you have any particular elements you would like to be covered on the day, please do come back to me with suggestions.

A further invite shall be distributed when the agenda is confirmed. Any questions, please do get in touch via the Contact Us form on our website.