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Crown Commercial Services Technology MOU’s

On behalf of the National Category Lead for ICT, Sally Conquest, please the information below:

Crown Commercial Services Technology MOU’s

Good afternoon all – some of you may or may not be aware of the breadth of MOU’s in place for technology on behalf of the Public Sector.

Please see below link for an overview of all of the agreements in place for the likes of Microsoft, Adobe, Oracle etc.

Memorandum of Understandings | Technology | Crown Commercial Service

The arrangements and pricing SHOULD be made available to all buyers, regardless of which route to market you select to purchase from, so it is useful to reference them in any particular competition you undertake. Suppliers are able to apply a margin to the preferential prices that they have agreed

Please be aware however, that some of the CCS Frameworks that allow you to purchase such items have a ‘cap’ on the margins supplier can apply – so it is always worth utilising such a framework if you can, in order to achieve additional reassurances on the best possible cost to your organisation.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in contact with myself, or our CCS Fire Account Managers, who can assist.; or

To get in touch visit the Contact Us page on our website.