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ISO Meeting – Greenville, USA Day 1

Today see’s the start of the next round of ISO TC94 SC14 ‘Firefighters PPE’ Committee meeting being attended by our National PPE Technical Advisor Brett Egan-Briers.  The meetings follow on from the previous meeting in Japan and last all week with a packed agenda of firefighters PPE standards to be discussed.  The following standards are being discussed this week, and Brett will provide an update on the content of each day’s discussions:

  • ISO 24588 – Personal protective ensembles for use against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) agents 
  • ISO 15384 – Protective clothing for firefighters — Performance requirements for wildland firefighting clothing
  • ISO 21808 – Guidance on the selection, use, care and maintenance of PPE designed to provide protection for firefighters.
  • ISO 5056 – Personal protective equipment for firefighters undertaking specific rescue activities (Surface Water and Unstable Surface rescue)
  • ISO 17723-1 – PPE ensembles for firefighters undertaking hazardous materials response activities — Part 1: Gas-tight, vapour-protective ensembles for emergency response teams.