Kent Fire and Rescue Service is leading on establishing a new National Framework Agreement for the supply and repair of ladders on behalf of the NFCC National Procurement Hub. The Framework Agreement will consist of 3 Lots as follows:
LOT 1 – Repairable Ladders – Riveted Type:
Also known across the Sector as modular type ladders. These are ladders that can be fully broken down to each of their constituent parts and are refurbished by an experienced and qualified Ladder Technician, and do not require welding.
LOT 2 – Repairable Ladders – Welded Type:
Ladders that can be partially broken down into sections and are able to be refurbished by an experienced and qualified Ladder Technician but require welding.
Lots 1 and 2 will also include the provision of spares and associated training services for repair, servicing and maintenance.
LOT 3 – Unrepairable Ladders:
Smaller, swaged type ladders.
We will be seeking to award Framework Agreements for 4 years to a single supplier for each Lot. Participating Authorities permitted to enter into Call-Off Agreements will be able to direct award to whichever supplier best meets their requirements in terms of current operational needs and compatibility with existing equipment and appliances. Call-Off Agreements raised by Participating Authorities must expire no later than 8 years from the start of the Framework Agreements.
Tender documentation is currently under review by our Legal team, and timescales for tendering activity are still to be confirmed. However, it is hoped to issue formal tender documentation by early November 2022.
We have received feedback across the Fire and Rescue Sector as to the ladder types and services required under these Framework Agreements, and this information has been used to inform and refine the final Specifications.
Prior to issue of documentation, we would appreciate your feedback as to the suitability of these specifications. Please submit any comments to David Smith or via the contact me page on the website by no later than close of business Wednesday, 26th October 2022.