Please see below the latest update in respect of smoke alarms.
Fireblitz’s prices will increase from the 1st April 2022 due to increases in raw material, components and freight cost increases. The prices will be reviewed on a 6 monthly basis with the intention of returning to the original framework prices if and when possible. Fireblitz are contacting their customers with details of the new pricing.
FireAngel’s increased their prices for deliveries the 17th January (details in communication sent out on 7th December 2021) however deliveries have been invoiced at the old pricing. FireAngel will contact each affected FRS with details of the supplement charges that will be invoiced in the next week.
Please contact me for details of all framework pricing.
FireAngel update
FireAngel have expecting a delivery of circa 2,000 ST-750’s w/c 28th March which will be allocated to the FRS’s with stock levels of 4 weeks or less. FireAngel expect to see increased numbers manufactured for April deliveries.
FireAngel are expecting small deliveries of 600 WST630 Hearing Impaired smoke alarms every week for the next month. If these deliveries are received they should be able to supply most of the outstanding orders.
Fireblitz update
Fireblitz (Firehawk) are able to fulfil orders of FHB10W hearing impaired alarms for their regular FRS customers however if regular demands need to increase they have asked FRS’s to discuss this with them before raising an order. Fireblitz have secured a further supply of microchips and could potentially supply FireAngel customers from late May, however this would be at a higher cost than the framework prices due to airfreight and premium part costs.
Fireblitz have sufficient stock of FHB10 smoke alarms to fulfil the orders and forecasted demand for their regular FRS customers. Fireblitz have a small amount of standard smoke alarms they could supply to FireAngel customers for a May delivery.
It would be helpful if any FRS who do not currently buy from Fireblitz and are considering ordering from them could please contact them to discuss requirements and arrange training as soon as possible and not wait until an order is raised.
AICO update
As stated in previous communications AICO can manufacture and deliver smoke alarms in a relatively short period of time, so again those FRS who may be struggling to maintain a sufficient stock of alarms may want to consider placing a purchase order with AICO.
AICO do not have any supply chain issues with components for their hearing impaired alarms Ei650RF but due to changes in Scottish legislation have seen a high demand for their alarms which has extended the lead times passed the previously advised 3 weeks. It would be helpful if any FRS who are considering ordering from Aico could please contact them to discuss requirements and arrange training as soon as possible.
Bellman update
Hearing Impaired alarms can be purchased from Bellman and Symfon through the framework. Bellman offer a 5 year alarm with a removable battery. Bellman are a small company and only have a small amount of alarms in stock however they can obtain more from their parent company in Sweden. Bellman are not currently experiencing any supply chain issues with components.
Data Portal and Forecasting data
In light of the ongoing issues with the supply of alarms it is imperative that a return is submitted on the data portal every week. This enables the allocation of FireAngel stock as soon as it becomes available. This information is also shared with suppliers to help them forecast for short term demand.
Kind regards
Jacky Perkins
Senior Contracts Manager | Procurement
West Midlands Fire Service
0121 380 6176