Salix have found one of the key factors for a successful application is ensuring that a thoroughly devised application is submitted very shortly (days) within the opening of the application portal. For the previous phase and upcoming ones, they now give a month’s notice of the application requirements before the application portal opens.
There will be another two sub-strands confirmed of the Phase 3 Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme, following this one. The next is expected to be announced in around Q3 of this year, though not confirmed. They are most likely expected to follow the same grant criteria and requirements, so using the current guidance on our website for Phase 3 would be beneficial to build applications in preparation for the announcements of the scheme. Exact grant requirements are still to be announced.
Salix would recommend to register on their website to subscribe to the Emergency Services sector, which you’ll receive updates regarding scheme announcements when it comes. Otherwise we have social channels (Twitter or LinkedIn) to hear once the announcements are made.