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Professional bodies and Stakeholders we work with

Women in the Fire Service UK (WFS)

Women in the Fire Service UK (WFS) is a membership-based, volunteer-led, and not-for-profit organisation with just two employees. We are a network of professionals working in the industry who predominantly support and champion women in the fire service.

Supported and funded through our membership, we envision a society where women and girls are empowered to realise a career in the fire service. WFS aims to improve women’s representation at all levels in the sector by challenging traditional stereotypes and encouraging women to be their best.

For more information visit

professional bodies and stakeholders NFCC - woman in the fire service
Image Credit: Women in the Fire Service
AFSA - professional bodies and stakeholders - firefighter smiling off camera

Asian Fire Service Association (AFSA)

AFSA is an independent staff network operating within UK fire & rescue services. The Association is run by volunteers who work at all levels within UK fire and rescue services. Over the years fire and rescue services have enjoyed the benefits of working together through AFSA, sharing best practice, experiencing mentoring and coaching on matters of inclusion in addition influence policy and research.

With now 50 organisations who are now corporate members AFSA has established a position as an important voice for inclusion within the sector

We believe that the AFSA as an organisation has the power to do good. To make a difference. When fire and rescue services do well, society prospers and equality, diversity and inclusion have a key role to play in protecting and growing diverse communities. As an essential provider, the fire service can create opportunities, build, innovate and cultivate a better future for the next generation.

Image Credit: Asian Fire Service Association

The Fire Fighters Charity

The Fire Fighters Charity offers specialist, lifelong support for members of the UK fire and rescue services community, empowering individuals to achieve mental, physical and social wellbeing throughout their lives. 

The Charity provides confidential, personalised support to the whole of the fire services community, delivering mental health, physical health, and social wellbeing services at its centres, remotely, online and in communities around the UK. The Charity exists to support all fire and rescue service personnel, whatever their role in the service, both serving and retired, as well as for spouses and qualifying dependants.

The Fire Fighters Charity doesn’t receive any regular government funding and is reliant on donations and fundraising income to deliver its support services.

Learn more about The Fire Fighters Charity:

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The fire fighters charity - professional bodies and stakeholders - firefighters in a swimming pool
Image credit: The Fire Fighters Charity

Fire Aid Charity - Firefighter talking with local community abroad
Image credit: Fire Aid

Fire Aid Charity

FIRE AID recycles essential, but decommissioned fire and rescue equipment and donates this to emergency services overseas alongside professional training. These fire fighters lack even the most basic equipment to protect themselves and their communities. We have witnessed volunteer fire fighters working in flip flops without any PPE, whilst in other areas of the world a single vehicle (over 45 years old) is used to service a town of over 350,000 people. The vehicle has no ladders, road traffic cutting equipment or any other modern fire-fighting equipment. Would you want to work under these conditions?

For more information visit or donate to this charity by clicking the button below.

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